career goals

New Year, New Work?

New Year, New Work?

So, you want to find new work in the new year? There are a few questions you should ask yourself before you do. For true career happiness, knowing what particular ship you want to be on the crew of is key!

How to Network At Events

How to Network At Events

Networking is a must-do. You might hate networking. Everyone hates networking. But if you look at it as a way to help other people by connecting them to that person who can get them their dream job, it becomes a fun activity. There are so many ways to network in finding your dream career.

10 Ways To Not Hate Your Job (All The Time)

10 Ways To Not Hate Your Job (All The Time)

Does your job make you feel that if Karen in accounting so much as looks at you in the breakroom you’re gonna put a fork in the microwave on ‘high’ for 2 minutes? Here are 10 Ways to Not Hate Your Job (All The Time).

Your Job Was LOST, Now What?

Your Job Was LOST, Now What?

Your job is being eliminated - WTF do you do? Technologies, industries, and markets all change. If you are in a role that is being diminished due to change what do you do after a job loss? Reinventing yourself and starting over after a job loss is terrifying but here are some tips you can do to handle a job loss.

When Your Dream Job Sucks: It's Not You

When Your Dream Job Sucks: It's Not You

Sometimes jobs just suck. Even dream ones. Here are my 3 reasons why when your dream job sucks it's not you AND what to do about it.

The One Thing Most Women Do Wrong In Their Careers

The One Thing Most Women Do Wrong In Their Careers

There is no one else who is doing the work of rooting for you the way you can. If you take the time to create a plan, to outline what success looks like for you and what outcome you're working for - you can achieve any goals that you set.

Networking Alternatives To Love

Networking Alternatives To Love

Networking doesn't have to suck. We all know the sayings “Your network is your net worth.” along with “It's not what you know, it’s who you know.” And here’s the thing….. they may be cliche, but they're true. Try a few of these networking alternatives tips and watch your network grow.

You Chose The Wrong Job, Now What?

 You Chose The Wrong Job, Now What?

One of the recurring fears that I hear a lot of, especially during career changes or when someone is looking for a new job, is “I'm afraid I'll choose the wrong thing.” So I'm here today to tell you what to do when you choose the wrong job.

First of all, you need to take a breather and realize there is no wrong thing! There is no wrong job.

You Need A Support System

You Need A Support System

You need people. We all need people. You need a support system to find your career passion and you are also a support system. Whatever it is, whoever it is- you cannot do anything alone. Nobody is self-made. Sure, you can do - and have done- amazing things in your life or in your career but nobody can do it alone. You have to have a support system to find your thing.

Visualize Work Not Sucking

Visualize Work Not Sucking

Career fulfillment is a 100% personal concept. Fulfillment doesn’t mean you need to wake up every day with hearts and rainbows in your eyes about your job, but it does need to mean that you get true satisfaction from it - beyond a paycheck. What is fulfilling for one person could be a nightmare for another so you will need to define what “fulfillment” means -  for you.