how to change careers

Your Job Was LOST, Now What?

Your Job Was LOST, Now What?

Your job is being eliminated - WTF do you do? Technologies, industries, and markets all change. If you are in a role that is being diminished due to change what do you do after a job loss? Reinventing yourself and starting over after a job loss is terrifying but here are some tips you can do to handle a job loss.

A Job Loss Sucks, Here's How to Bounce Back Better

A Job Loss Sucks, Here's How to Bounce Back Better

How to recover from losing your job. "I lost my job" are some of the most dreaded words in any language. We’ve all been there. The start-up shuttered. You got yourself fired. Or it was just an out and out unexplained termination. Job loss happens. It can send you into a tailspin. But it also means that you have an opportunity to get another job. A better job. A job you really want.

How to Change Careers: Put on Your Creative Pants

How to Change Careers: Put on Your Creative Pants

I believe that it is absolutely necessary to tap into your creativity if you are even considering a career change.

Career changes come about for several different types of reasons but they all have the same outcome - you have to pivot into something different than what you are doing now. While a lot of people find that terrifying, I see it as the ultimate opportunity to do something that makes you truly happy. It’s the chance to do something that fulfills you in a way your old job didn’t.


3 Ways to Make Major Career Moves That Stick

3 Ways to Make Major Career Moves That Stick

If you want to grow your career, you have to go beyond just setting goals. Wether you’re looking to change careers, get a new job or level up in your current career, you need to do these three things to make major moves.

How To Feel Motivated To Make a Career Change

How To Feel Motivated To Make a Career Change

We get all excited and motivated about a new job, a new role, a new company and we swear it will be different… until it isn’t. If it takes it Back to School “season” to make you feel motivated to make a change - do it! Learn the new thing! Take the new job! Figure out what you REALLY want and go for it! Anything to help you feel motivated in making change and finding your career passion.