New Year, New Work?
Your Job Was LOST, Now What?
Your job is being eliminated - WTF do you do? Technologies, industries, and markets all change. If you are in a role that is being diminished due to change what do you do after a job loss? Reinventing yourself and starting over after a job loss is terrifying but here are some tips you can do to handle a job loss.
The One Thing Most Women Do Wrong In Their Careers
You Need A Support System
You need people. We all need people. You need a support system to find your career passion and you are also a support system. Whatever it is, whoever it is- you cannot do anything alone. Nobody is self-made. Sure, you can do - and have done- amazing things in your life or in your career but nobody can do it alone. You have to have a support system to find your thing.
Visualize Work Not Sucking
Career fulfillment is a 100% personal concept. Fulfillment doesn’t mean you need to wake up every day with hearts and rainbows in your eyes about your job, but it does need to mean that you get true satisfaction from it - beyond a paycheck. What is fulfilling for one person could be a nightmare for another so you will need to define what “fulfillment” means - for you.
How to Fight The Fear and Make the Career Change You Need
How Does Career Coaching Work?
While we coaches wish there was a magic wand that only shot out sparkly farts of glittery job happiness - there just isn’t - instead there's this thing. Career Coaching. It IS a thing. A thing everyone should take advantage of. Here’s how career coaching works. If you want to be a coach or get career coaching, here are the basics.
How To Create Career Success This Summer
It’s time to talk about networking. Yes again! It really is THAT important. It’s summertime and it's beautiful out and there It’s normal for there to be a little dip in your productivity but, here’s the thing: summertime is truly is the best season to network, hands down. If you’re looking for career success and how to network, this is the place.
You Don't Have to Figure Out Your Career By Yourself
You don't have to figure out your career on your own just because we’re not taught how to manage our careers. We’re taught what and how to get jobs but rarely, if ever, how to manage our careers once we’re in them. So, don’t feel like you’re left on your own. Try one, two, or a few of these tips to help you with your career, and don’t leave your career to chance.