career plan

The Ultimate Career Design Blueprint: Taking Control of Your Professional Journey

The Ultimate Career Design Blueprint: Taking Control of Your Professional Journey

Transform your career with the six pillars of Career Design. Explore your passion, make committed decisions, and set strategic milestones to achieve your professional goals. Let's break the cycle of complacency and create a fulfilling, intentional career journey.

How to Set 2025 Career Goals in 5 Steps

How to Set 2025 Career Goals in 5 Steps

It's officially almost 2025, the start of a new year! How do you make this your year of success? it all starts with creating effective career goals. It starts with these 5 goal setting steps.

New Year, New Work?

New Year, New Work?

So, you want to find new work in the new year? There are a few questions you should ask yourself before you do. For true career happiness, knowing what particular ship you want to be on the crew of is key!

10 Ways To Not Hate Your Job (All The Time)

10 Ways To Not Hate Your Job (All The Time)

Does your job make you feel that if Karen in accounting so much as looks at you in the breakroom you’re gonna put a fork in the microwave on ‘high’ for 2 minutes? Here are 10 Ways to Not Hate Your Job (All The Time).

When Your Dream Job Sucks: It's Not You

When Your Dream Job Sucks: It's Not You

Sometimes jobs just suck. Even dream ones. Here are my 3 reasons why when your dream job sucks it's not you AND what to do about it.

Job Skills: Don't Do What You CAN Do, Do What You WANT To Do

Job Skills: Don't Do What You CAN Do, Do What You WANT To Do

Many people who are trying to figure out what they want to do with their careers - want to DO IT NOW! They want to skip really important steps because they want to just figure it out right now. However they have some steps that they need to follow. I believe it every single person should start with some of the BIG “life questions” like “Why do I work?”, “What is Meaningful to me?” you know, “How do I want to be in the world?” You should start here, but there a lot of people that are just not even wanting to do those questions - they want to skip ahead. So, the next thing that they get to is “Okay, I'm going to write out a list of all of the things that I can do.” Then they write out a list of skills that they can do and they start looking at jobs that line up with the skill sets they have. That's actually the wrong way to go about it…



How to get motivated to create the career of your dreams, even now.

You may also be going through some serious career struggles and need some well-earned career growth. But here’s the rub, even now, nobody is going to hand it to you. Nope.

You absolutely have to be your own best advocate.

How to Accelerate Your Career (Yes, Even Now)

How to Accelerate Your Career (Yes, Even Now)

I know you want a successful career and you absolutely can accelerate your career, even now. The last few years have thrown us some curveballs, but there is a way to get ahead of the game. You just need to take tiny actions in order to create the career you crave. Yes, even now.

But no matter your job/career/business having status at the minute, you should know that you absolutely can accelerate your career right now.

A Job Loss Sucks, Here's How to Bounce Back Better

A Job Loss Sucks, Here's How to Bounce Back Better

How to recover from losing your job. "I lost my job" are some of the most dreaded words in any language. We’ve all been there. The start-up shuttered. You got yourself fired. Or it was just an out and out unexplained termination. Job loss happens. It can send you into a tailspin. But it also means that you have an opportunity to get another job. A better job. A job you really want.

How Does Career Coaching Work?

How Does Career Coaching Work?

While we coaches wish there was a magic wand that only shot out sparkly farts of glittery job happiness - there just isn’t - instead there's this thing. Career Coaching. It IS a thing. A thing everyone should take advantage of. Here’s how career coaching works. If you want to be a coach or get career coaching, here are the basics.