job happiness

No Experience In The Job You Want? Where to Start.

No Experience In The Job You Want? Where to Start.

How to get a job with no experience?

You have no experience in the job you want. Where do you even start? First off, whether you realize it or not, you most likely actually do have some great experience!

Remember you're not starting fresh. You worked. You gained experiences. You've gained knowledge. You know how to work with people, with teams, using skills you can take with you to your new role. This is your footing when you're networking. You're not a complete noob - you're coming into this as a professional person who's just looking to do a new type of task.

Job Skills: Don't Do What You CAN Do, Do What You WANT To Do

Job Skills: Don't Do What You CAN Do, Do What You WANT To Do

Many people who are trying to figure out what they want to do with their careers - want to DO IT NOW! They want to skip really important steps because they want to just figure it out right now. However they have some steps that they need to follow. I believe it every single person should start with some of the BIG “life questions” like “Why do I work?”, “What is Meaningful to me?” you know, “How do I want to be in the world?” You should start here, but there a lot of people that are just not even wanting to do those questions - they want to skip ahead. So, the next thing that they get to is “Okay, I'm going to write out a list of all of the things that I can do.” Then they write out a list of skills that they can do and they start looking at jobs that line up with the skill sets they have. That's actually the wrong way to go about it…

A Lost Job Can Break Your Heart

A Lost Job Can Break Your Heart

When I lost my dream job, I felt like my heart had been broken and no amount of “Manifest Your Dream Job” mantras were going to help. I needed to stop booty-calling my ex-career and put down the pint of ice cream. I got through the breakup, ummm career transition, with a little help from my friends.

You Chose The Wrong Job, Now What?

 You Chose The Wrong Job, Now What?

One of the recurring fears that I hear a lot of, especially during career changes or when someone is looking for a new job, is “I'm afraid I'll choose the wrong thing.” So I'm here today to tell you what to do when you choose the wrong job.

First of all, you need to take a breather and realize there is no wrong thing! There is no wrong job.

Find a Career You Love

Find a Career You Love

Quick question. If money wasn’t an object, what would you do for a career?

What was your gut reaction, initial, no over-thinking response? Is it worlds apart from what you do now? Or is it being the bomb ass boss at your current gig? What is it you want to do with your career — really? I know, I know … easier asked than answered. Or … just maybe, deep down you know the answer, but you’re afraid of the answer or you have no idea how to move forward.

How to Get a Job That Will Make You Happy

How to Get a Job That Will Make You Happy

You want a job that makes you happy? Job satisfaction is comprised of a lot of factors but for you to be truly happy in your career, you need to focus on yourself - because your personal connection to the work is where the career passion comes from. So, where do you start? In order to find a job that makes you happy? You need to ask yourself ONE tough question…

How To Network (No, You don’t need to put on Pants)

How To Network (No, You don’t need to put on Pants)

Networking is necessary, but it doesn't have to be work. And you don’t even need pants!

I know… I know. Networking suuuuuccks. Except it doesn’t have to. And yes you have to do it. If you want to tell your story and sell yourself, you need an audience. That means you do need to network. But it really isn’t as hard, or as bad, as you think. You can (and should) even start in your own backyard.

How To Find A Career That Makes You Happy (Finally!)

How To Find A Career That Makes You Happy (Finally!)

You know that feeling you've got right now? That "Totally lost, I'm stuck, WTF am I even supposed to do with my career. Can't someone just tell me what I'm supposed to be doing?!?" feeling? Man, it sucks, doesn't it? I know that feeling. I've been through two major career shifts of my own and have since helped hundreds of clients, just like you, figure out WTF they want to do and how to get there.

So, no you don't have to do it alone. Promise. However, only you can know what's right for you. Let me show you how.

How to Get a Better Job

How to Get a Better Job

For so many people their careers have stalled or are non-existent because they’re stuck. Stuck in a not so great job.

What about you? Do you want a better job? Ok. Great. But what in the world do you mean by that? You have to have the confidence in yourself and in your career to make the change you need to make.

Here are the steps to take to get a better job and create a career that is just right for you.

Your Job is Too Much of A Safe Place

Your Job is Too Much of A Safe Place

Are you bored at work? Has it been a long time since you’ve actually been challenged on the job? There’s a reason. Sometimes you can be too comfy.

I'm not actually talking snuggies, yoga pants and comfy sox. Those things are awesome. I'm talking about feeling totally, yes too, comfortable in your career.

The 'devil you know' comfort is born out of fear. You stay where you are, doing what you're doing, because of fear of the unknown. Where you are might be crappy - but at least you know what kind of crap to expect... right?

Unless there's something on your horizon that gives your stomach the jitters and freaks you out just a bit... something that pushes you out of your comfort zone... you will always be *exactly* right where you are. That's fine... right?

There is a time and space that you get to where you know it’s time to leave your job but you also know that it's a safe place and the devil you know is better than whatever freaky, hypothetical, scaries are out there in the world.