How to Be a Great Leader: 10 Ways to Do It Right
But how do I become a better leader? I hear you asking.
Everyone has the right to sit and delegate tasks to other offices, but effective management requires more. Effective leadership impacts both their team members and the business. Employees working with excellent leaders generally feel more happy, productive and more in touch with their organization, which is a ripple effect on your business bottom line. A good leader will improve not only their business outcomes but their team members too.
The One Thing Most Women Do Wrong In Their Careers
How to Fight The Fear and Make the Career Change You Need
10 Ways to De-Stress Your Job
How to Change Careers: Put on Your Creative Pants
I believe that it is absolutely necessary to tap into your creativity if you are even considering a career change.
Career changes come about for several different types of reasons but they all have the same outcome - you have to pivot into something different than what you are doing now. While a lot of people find that terrifying, I see it as the ultimate opportunity to do something that makes you truly happy. It’s the chance to do something that fulfills you in a way your old job didn’t.
How to Sell Yourself Into the Job You Want (The 3 Things You Need to Have)
How to Get a Job That Will Make You Happy
You want a job that makes you happy? Job satisfaction is comprised of a lot of factors but for you to be truly happy in your career, you need to focus on yourself - because your personal connection to the work is where the career passion comes from. So, where do you start? In order to find a job that makes you happy? You need to ask yourself ONE tough question…
Is Your Profession Your Passion?
It has become ingrained in our culture that we need to “Follow Your Bliss” and “Do What You Love” and all sorts of other platitudes. Don’t forget that you have to have your Dream Job. And yeah - I believe that you 100% should do the things that bring you joy and that light your fire and yeah, that you’re passionate about. But I do NOT agree that you need to make your passion your source of income.
One simple trick to boost your confidence
What is one simple trick you can use to boost your confidence? A Wins List is something that can help you get a better gig, or get a promotion at your current gig.
If you’re looking to change careers or move up in your current one, this weekly practice will give you the confidence (and stockpile of goodness) you need to make it happen.