How to Fight The Fear and Make the Career Change You Need
How To Network (No, You don’t need to put on Pants)
Networking is necessary, but it doesn't have to be work. And you don’t even need pants!
I know… I know. Networking suuuuuccks. Except it doesn’t have to. And yes you have to do it. If you want to tell your story and sell yourself, you need an audience. That means you do need to network. But it really isn’t as hard, or as bad, as you think. You can (and should) even start in your own backyard.
How To Design Your Career
Want to Make a Career Change? You Need A Plan.
You decided to make a career change? Let’s all take a minute to acknowledge that that’s a huge decision. I don’t have to tell you that you’ve got a bit of work ahead of you, but it is worth it. I promise. I also don’t have to tell you to not just go stabbing at this thing in the dark. You just can’t go off all willy-nilly to change your career. You need a game plan.
Career Exploration and Your Mindset
When it comes to changing careers and exploring what career is right for you, we need to tackle something up front: there is no magic answer.
I know you want there to be a magic answer out there, that you just haven’t discovered yet. The answer that someone will just shoot you an email with the exact job you should be doing that will make you wildly happy. The one and only answer that exists if you turn over enough self-help quizzes.