networking tips

How to Network At Events

How to Network At Events

Networking is a must-do. You might hate networking. Everyone hates networking. But if you look at it as a way to help other people by connecting them to that person who can get them their dream job, it becomes a fun activity. There are so many ways to network in finding your dream career.

How To Create Career Success This Summer

How To Create Career Success This Summer

It’s time to talk about networking. Yes again! It really is THAT important. It’s summertime and it's beautiful out and there It’s normal for there to be a little dip in your productivity but, here’s the thing: summertime is truly is the best season to network, hands down. If you’re looking for career success and how to network, this is the place.

How To Network (No, You don’t need to put on Pants)

How To Network (No, You don’t need to put on Pants)

Networking is necessary, but it doesn't have to be work. And you don’t even need pants!

I know… I know. Networking suuuuuccks. Except it doesn’t have to. And yes you have to do it. If you want to tell your story and sell yourself, you need an audience. That means you do need to network. But it really isn’t as hard, or as bad, as you think. You can (and should) even start in your own backyard.

Your Network Isn't Local: How to Make it Work

Your Network Isn't Local: How to Make it Work

If you want to know “How do I network now?” I'm going to myth-bust this idea of needing a “local network,” cool?

First off, needing to have a “local” network is a big fat myth. Due to the wonders of the internet, ALL networks are local networks!

Secondly, you actually DO have a local network you just may not realize it. You really do have what you need, you just gotta tap into it.