find my dream job

Why Women Should Never Negotiate Salary

Why Women Should Never Negotiate Salary

Women shouldn’t even attempt to negotiate their salaries. The system is rigged - so why play along? Let us advocate for ourselves as a “woman” and refuse to negotiate our salary just because they feel or know that we are less likely to negotiate for that matter.

When Your Dream Job Sucks: It's Not You

When Your Dream Job Sucks: It's Not You

Sometimes jobs just suck. Even dream ones. Here are my 3 reasons why when your dream job sucks it's not you AND what to do about it.

Find a Career You Love

Find a Career You Love

Quick question. If money wasn’t an object, what would you do for a career?

What was your gut reaction, initial, no over-thinking response? Is it worlds apart from what you do now? Or is it being the bomb ass boss at your current gig? What is it you want to do with your career — really? I know, I know … easier asked than answered. Or … just maybe, deep down you know the answer, but you’re afraid of the answer or you have no idea how to move forward.

How To Be a Good Leader (And Why It's Important)

How To Be a Good Leader (And Why It's Important)

Why is it important to be a good leader? Because truly good leaders see career growth on a whole other level. They foster the loyalty and respect of coworkers which leads to being crazy effective on the job and easily recommended for promotions and other opportunities - and that's what we're all about right?

Shocking shit I heard on client calls this yeaR

Shocking shit I heard on client calls this yeaR

I had some truly amazing career coaching clients this year and we did a lot of great work together, but I heard some really shocking things from them! I know they are just overwhelmed. They feel stuck. They feel hopeless and they need help finding the meaningful work they want to do in their careers.

No You Shouldn't ‘Follow Your Passion'

No You Shouldn't ‘Follow Your Passion'

No, you shouldn’t ‘Follow Your Passion.’ I’m serious. This idea that you should find, then blindly follow, your ‘passion’ is overwhelming and ultimately unhelpful.

Finding Your Passion looms large. Finding Your Thing is the way to go.

Here's the deal. You know that feeling you've got right now? That "Totally lost, I'm stuck, WTF am I even supposed to do with my career, can't someone just tell me what I'm supposed to be doing?!?" feeling?

Man it sucks doesn't it? I know that feeling, but what you’ve been told, this idea that you ‘just’ need to Find Your Passion’ - it’s not a reasonable goal.

I've been through two major career shifts of my own and I’ve spent years helping clients figure out what their thing is.

The 4 Things YOU Need To Do To Make Major Life Changes

The 4 Things YOU Need To Do To Make Major Life Changes

Are you already feeling overwhelmed by all the “IT’S ALMOST A NEW YEAR!” inspo quotes filling your feed…. annnnnd yet, you do feel like maybe yeah, it is time for a change?

If you wanna change something up, but have no idea exactly what - here are four tried and true ways to get your creative thinking juices flowing.

3 Ways to Make Major Career Moves That Stick

3 Ways to Make Major Career Moves That Stick

If you want to grow your career, you have to go beyond just setting goals. Wether you’re looking to change careers, get a new job or level up in your current career, you need to do these three things to make major moves.

Your Job is Too Much of A Safe Place

Your Job is Too Much of A Safe Place

Are you bored at work? Has it been a long time since you’ve actually been challenged on the job? There’s a reason. Sometimes you can be too comfy.

I'm not actually talking snuggies, yoga pants and comfy sox. Those things are awesome. I'm talking about feeling totally, yes too, comfortable in your career.

The 'devil you know' comfort is born out of fear. You stay where you are, doing what you're doing, because of fear of the unknown. Where you are might be crappy - but at least you know what kind of crap to expect... right?

Unless there's something on your horizon that gives your stomach the jitters and freaks you out just a bit... something that pushes you out of your comfort zone... you will always be *exactly* right where you are. That's fine... right?

There is a time and space that you get to where you know it’s time to leave your job but you also know that it's a safe place and the devil you know is better than whatever freaky, hypothetical, scaries are out there in the world.