Why You Need to Stop Climbing the Corporate Ladde
Do you want to know how to climb the corporate ladder and find success? Why not try not climbing it? What is the difference between the corporate ladder and the corporate lattice and which is for you? Both lattices and ladders exist within companies themselves and within your own career as a larger whole. No matter which path you select, you need to be your own best advocate. You will need to be the one making sure that your goals are being met and that you’re making room for the possibility that plans can and will most likely change.
Career Growth: It's a Mindset Thing
How Do You Find Career Success & Happiness?
Want A Career that makes you happy? Tell me What You Value.
Maybe you have a job, but you’re unfulfilled. Are you climbing the monetary ladder, but your gig isn’t in line with what you see yourself being happy doing long term? Maybe you are looking to switch careers but have no idea which direction to turn. Maybe everyone is telling you you need to “Follow your passion!” but you have no freaking idea what that might be. No matter what your sitch, let me guess… you’re stuck, frustrated, lost and freaking out to varying degrees.
One simple trick to boost your confidence
What is one simple trick you can use to boost your confidence? A Wins List is something that can help you get a better gig, or get a promotion at your current gig.
If you’re looking to change careers or move up in your current one, this weekly practice will give you the confidence (and stockpile of goodness) you need to make it happen.
Your Job is Too Much of A Safe Place
Are you bored at work? Has it been a long time since you’ve actually been challenged on the job? There’s a reason. Sometimes you can be too comfy.
I'm not actually talking snuggies, yoga pants and comfy sox. Those things are awesome. I'm talking about feeling totally, yes too, comfortable in your career.
The 'devil you know' comfort is born out of fear. You stay where you are, doing what you're doing, because of fear of the unknown. Where you are might be crappy - but at least you know what kind of crap to expect... right?
Unless there's something on your horizon that gives your stomach the jitters and freaks you out just a bit... something that pushes you out of your comfort zone... you will always be *exactly* right where you are. That's fine... right?
There is a time and space that you get to where you know it’s time to leave your job but you also know that it's a safe place and the devil you know is better than whatever freaky, hypothetical, scaries are out there in the world.
Your Network Isn't Local: How to Make it Work
If you want to know “How do I network now?” I'm going to myth-bust this idea of needing a “local network,” cool?
First off, needing to have a “local” network is a big fat myth. Due to the wonders of the internet, ALL networks are local networks!
Secondly, you actually DO have a local network you just may not realize it. You really do have what you need, you just gotta tap into it.