Why I Don't Use Career or Personality Tests Anymore and What I Do Instead

Like many others in career/executive coaching, I stopped using assessments, tests and quizzes. 

You may think you already know why I don't like using assessments anymore, but this post will take you through 5 reasons why I switched away from it.

I’m giving you the low down on why I don’t use these tests so that in the process, you just might find new ways to gain insight into your own career desires.

Background: Career Assessments and I

People want to know Is there a free test I can take to see what career is best for me?

Let's enter our handy time travel machine and explore my start in career coaching.

It was the year 2014, the internet was full of “Boss Babes” and “Mompreneurs.” I was taking my coaching certification courses while also looking to these online business ‘gurus’ to help me learn how to run a business. And let me tell you, these women loooooved the Meyers Briggs test like it was gospel. 

Even my coaching mentor, suggested using both that and the Enneagram type tests as assessments to help my clients.

I assumed I had to integrate some type of personality test  into how I coached. Everyone said so!

Fast forward to just a year or so into my coaching, and my frustrations with these assessments came to a boiling point.

Here’s why.

5 Reasons Why I Don't Use Career Assessments Anymore

Reason #1. Many of these assessments/tests have no basis in clinical psychology.

When people ask “What is the best career assessment test?” what they mean is “How do I figure out what career to do?”

Sorry to be starting with such a party pooper line, but when you consider that people need something that will actually help them, you also have to consider the broader impact these non-science based tests have on your mental well being. 

For me, it means letting people know that these for-profit tests have the accuracy rate of those origami fortune teller games we played in elementary school.


And here’s the thing, at some point someone told you what they felt you’d be good at based on your personality. “You’d make a great lawyer, you’re so argumentative!”- Your Aunt Susan. “You should be a teacher, you’re so patient.” - Your High School English Teacher. “You should be a sports coach, you’re so motivating.”- Your Book Club Bestie

But unless you make the decision, based on what you truly want, none of these will ever actually work. I mean, I had to take one of these career assessments in high school and it spat out that I should be a Landscape Architect... I kill plants. Flat out.

Reason #2. These tools are for profit. 

The CliftonStrengths Assessment and the DiSC profile assessment, are not only tools widely used in corporate settings, but they were created by psychologists, however the price point is a barrier to entry for many.

While less expensive, the Meyers Briggs Type Indicator official test is again, pseudo science at best. The Enneagram assessment itself can be found for free, but is usually attached to a cost for results or it’s used as an entry to a paid program. It also has a murky history and no basis in science.

When I first started coaching, I was told to give my clients these assessments but I felt I couldn’t do that ethically if I’d never used them myself. So I paid for all of them. I shelled out big bucks! 

Although I understand the draw of these tests (the idea that you will receive a crystal clear answer to who you are and what you should do, those are just not possible with a quiz. 

Freebie Time: While I'm giving away hints, I may as well give away my downloadable worksheet on the 5 Big Questions to Find A Career That Makes You Happy.

Click here to download your FREE workbook now >>

Reason #3. I like science.

Not to say that only strictly scientific tests can be helpful in your career. Plenty of folx find success in pulling a tarot reading each morning or consulting a multitude of other non-scientific, oracle giving options. But these are personal, mindfulness or spiritual practices, not money making enterprises that charge for their services. 

This one comes down to personal preference and honestly, you do you.

Sometimes the best reason to look for a new tool or strategy is to get  your momentum going. To just… start.

I felt like I had given these tests the old college try and found them lacking.. Not only that, they simply didn’t inspire the A-Ha moments that my clients were looking for.

My early clients would take one of these tests, expect a climactic “light bulb moment” and then - nothing (except a fairly large anti-climactic let down). 

Now thatI don’t use them in my practice anymore, my clients a) don’t waste their money on the things and b) we are able to work together toward really changing the aspects of their lives they want changed - without having to check what the quiz results say they should do.

Reason #4: There is no magic machine that will spit out the answer for you.

None of these work. There is not a single test/assessment/or oracle card that can tell you with certainty whether you should choose a new career and what that should be. 

That's a hard reason to admit because as a career coach, many clients come to me for just that. THE answer. The “What am I supposed to be doing?” answer. But the truth is, as much as we’d like there to be, there is no one correct answer. And a test that doesn’t know you as a human being will never get you to where you want to go.

My progress with my private coaching actually had a lot to do with this change. Once I truly accepted that these assessments didn’t actually work, I could dig in, explain why to my clients and we could start on the real, long lasting work.

Reason #5: Looking Inside Just Works Better

Okay, here's why we're all here.

The tool I actually use to help my clients uncover their best work? Looking inside. Call it meditation, visualization, shadow work, or even daydreaming. I’m a big ol’ advocate for it. The reason? It just works better for my clients needs, especially when it comes to discovering how to make their work align with their wants, needs and values.

Only you and your subconscious actually know what’s right for you and some quiz telling you you’re an EF7B32J-wooer is not going to change that.


What I Do Instead of Giving an Assessment

As I mentioned, I now begin my private coaching with having my clients ask themselves some big, deep questions and then marinating on the answers.

This works better for my clients because:

  • Only they know what an Ideal Day would look like for them

  • They’re not placing their career happiness in the hands of an impersonal quiz

  • Without the tests, there are no boundaries or parameters placed on them

However, I'm not just asking you to trust me on this. My client Bree says:

“I want to say thanks a bunch for the eye-opener. Realized I was playing small and traditional job searches were holding me back from landing the gigs I wanted. Your coaching on my career plan was top-notch, thoughtful, and super helpful.”

That’s a wrap!

I now urge my clients to look inward for answers that are true to them. Seems like a no-brainer, right?

If you’d also like help discovering work that works for you, I’m pleased to be able to offer you a place to start. Click the image below to learn more.

Do you have any more questions? I’m available to help guide you here. I’m also always happy to jump into the comments section on Instagram.

You may also love to read about: HOW TO FIND A CAREER THAT MAKES YOU HAPPY (FINALLY!) 

Yours in ‘career happiness’ goodness-



EB Sanders | Career Coach for Creative Types

