4 Limiting Beliefs that Are Holding You Back from the Career You Want

You know what?

There’s a whole lot of misinformation on careers, which is why it’s easy to feel defeated when you’re doing everything “right” and still not getting results.

Before I learned how to find a career I loved, I tried every guide and article I could find.

Expert #1 would say do something with the skills you already have and expert #2 would say do something that you were ‘passionate’ about.. 

Many people think that just doing something similar to what you’ve always done is the best way to like your work because it’s something you already know how to do. 

Others feel like there’s no way they could actually do something they want to do (vs just can do), making it harder for them to find work that works for them. 

I learned that if you believe all you can do is what you have done then that absolutely will be the truth.  

You absolutely should NOT put your desire to do something fulfilling on the back burner. You can (and should) find something that you actually want to do not just something you can or have done. 

For example, I was a housekeeper at one point in my life. I can scrub a mean toilet and snap those hospital corners into shape, but does that mean I want to? By many expert opinions, doing something I have done, that I can do and that I’m good at should make me happy. But I assure you it does not. 

For someone else out there, being the Clean Queen is their ideal job. They’re just afraid they won’t get clients! 

When I was going through my first major career change, I simply could not figure out what was next. No matter what I did, I still couldn’t figure out what I wanted to do to just  get paid (or let myself daydream about doing something I actually wanted.). 

Once I finally started letting my mind play in the sandbox of “If I won the lottery….” things started falling into place. Once I let myself out of the confines of what I had known (yes, it was scary), I came up with allll sorts of things that not only was I excited about, but that would let me pay the bills!

You can do it too!

Read on for some sneaky limiting beliefs that may be holding you back from a fulfilling career, and how to turn them into your superpowers.  

Limiting Belief #1: I Don’t Need Help

If you’re used to being self-sufficient and doing things on your own, you can probably relate to this.

How to turn it into your superpower

First, challenge your belief. After all, it’s just a belief and you have no proof that it’s reality (spoiler: it’s not.)

Ask yourself why you think you need to go it alone. Is it that you lack money to hire someone? Is it that you believe you’re the most qualified? Was the phrase “Pull yourself up by your bootstraps!” seared into your brain by parents who meant really well?

Once you have the answers, think about what it would be like to do the opposite. What would it be like to have help? Would it make it easier and faster to know what steps to take next?

You don’t have to take action now. Just let it sit with you and try to broaden your perspective.  Keep challenging yourself. 

When you’re ready, try reaching out for help. Here are a few resources available:

Limiting Belief #2: I Have to Do X First

“I’ll get to dealing with my career as soon as I finish figuring out what I’m doing.” (This is just an example, insert any procrastination tactic you prefer.

Sound familiar?

We all have a list of things we need to do, and in what order we want to do them.

But if you’ve been procrastinating on a specific task for weeks or months, it’s probably time to re-prioritize.

Do you really need to get another software certification before you tackle setting your goals? Or is it that the thought of being in charge of your career scares you?

It’s common to put off things we’re not “ready” for. 

But you know what?

The things that scare you are the things that will change you the for the better. Think back to all the times you were afraid of showing up. First day at school, first dates, big presentations etc

After all the hemming and hawing and stomach flips and ‘why don’t I just not do this?’ arguments were over and you did it. That’s when you were unlimited.

Once you got there, did the thing and made it happen, you absolutely leveled up. You showed up for yourself and others.

Limiting Belief #3: I won’t be able to do it

How many times have you gotten excited about asking for a promotion, then immediately thought, “Nah, I won’t actually be able to do it. I don’t have enough experience”…?

You’re not alone. This is another belief that comes from a place of fear, and we all have them.

When you’re thinking about  trying something new, you picture all the things that can go wrong. You let your inner critic tell you that you’re not good enough, and you believe them.

The problem with this belief is that it can prevent more empowering beliefs from forming if you’re not aware of them.

How to turn it into your superpower

Here’s my thing with inner critic/imposter thoughts. If you absolutely believe that you’re a fraud and that you don’t belong in the room, then you’ve done one hell of a job snowing literally everyone around you and that takes some serious co-artist skill! 

 Imagine another time you tried something new. How did it go? Not great? Did you survive? (You obviously did or you wouldn’t be reading this.)

You can absolutely achieve the career milestones you want! You do however, have to start by believing you can. Try this baby step you can take to gain confidence:

Look at your past career wins and accomplishments. How did you achieve them?

For example:

When I was making a major career change from academics to advertising, I thought I couldn’t do it but took the first little leap and today everything has changed.

I looked back at how and where I was the best me when teaching and used that as my launchpad into believing I could rock something new.

Download my free career success workbook HERE!

Limiting Belief #4: I don’t have time

If you believe you have too much work to do already, you’ll find ways to keep yourself occupied with those other activities rather than go for what it is you actually want to be doing.. 

Saying you don’t have time is really saying  it’s not a priority right now.

The truth is, if you really want to create a career you love  you have to make it a priority.

I’m not saying that life can’t get overwhelming. I mean sometimes those reports have to get done, the emails sent, the client made happy and oh yeah, the laundry needs doing and the cat needs walking, but if you actually want a thing you can find a way to make it happen. 

When I’m in these moments it usually comes down to re-prioritization. Some tasks that are on auto-repeat may need a pause. That report that your boss hasn’t read in 3 months, ask if it can be back burnered. There is something, somewhere that can be demoted at least temporarily. 

How to turn it into a superpower

You don’t need  huge blocks of time to make real change. You just have to do it with consistency. 

Don’t be afraid to draw a line in the sand and make it a priority, no matter what else you have going on. 

If you can carve out 25 minutes a day, you can reach any career milestone you put in front of yourself.

Here’s how to get started:

  • Step #1: Get hyper-clear on your goal. 

  • Step #2: Break down the steps you need to take to make it a reality.

  • Step #3: Give yourself the permission to take the space and time needed to put it in motion.

Just a reminder: you’re doing a friggin’ great job!

It’s time to turn your limiting beliefs into empowering beliefs! If you find yourself procrastinating on career growth, think about what may be holding you back. 

Write down 10 limiting beliefs, and don’t be afraid to see them on paper!

We all have them, remember? It’s what you do with them that counts. 

Will you push through and keep going? You bet you will! 

I created a free workbook  to help you get started.

Download my free career success workbook HERE!

Remember, you can always reach me here. Let’s get you on the road to work that works for you!

Yours in ‘believe it baby!’ goodness-


P.S. Get on my list if you want even more actionable career advice sent straight to your inbox.


EB Sanders | Career Coach for Creative Types



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