The One Approach You Need to Master to Grow Your Job Search Network

Are you hitting a wall in networking for your job search?

Finding something challenging doesn't mean that you give up.

Perhaps you haven't found that one process you need to master to achieve a job search network that works.

Lucky for you, I'm here to teach you all about networking for job search success.

Grab your emotional support beverage of choice and dive on in with me, friend.

First, what is approach should you use?

Have you heard of the Amplification Approach before? It's no problem if you haven't (cuz I just made up that name for a process I’ve talked to my clients about for years).

In most simple terms, it’s using the network you have to Amplify Your Ask.

For those of us who have been in career space for a while, you know this means finding ways to network that folx don’t hate.

It’s no secret that most folx absolutely shudder at the thought of “Networking.” They think it means uncomfortable silences, events and asking strangers for help. 

It's important to get them to understand that:

  • Networking is essential to your career as a whole and any job search you need to engage in

  • Over 80% of roles are filled through networking

  • Most folx already have a great network that they’re totally overlooking

How I Started Using the Amplification Approach to Grow My Job Search Network 

Not to humblebrag, but you may look at me, and my successful business and think, "She's one to talk about struggling with finding a job."

But there was a time, not too long  ago, where I was in the same spot as you. I was struggling to pay the bills with my ‘9-5’, severely burned out from my side hustle, and just about ready to throw in the towel because I had no idea who to turn to or what to do next.

Then, I figured out the Amplification Approach, and it changed my career (and life) by:

  • Leading me in the direction of a new career I really enjoyed

  • Presenting me with several actual options for opportunities

  • Strengthening my network for future career pivots

Side Note: This may seem pretty magical but it's still hard work. Others in my field approach it differently. For example, many experts believe that you should connect with any and everyone you meet. Believing it’s a numbers game and the higher your number of connections, the better your outcome.  

I believe the opposite. I believe that one meaningful connection will serve you better than being tangentially connected to 200 strangers.

So what exactly is the Amplification Approach? It’s utilizing the network you already have and asking them to amplify your voice. 

For example, it’s chatting with your dog groomer and saying “I’m looking for a new role in package design, do you know anyone I should talk to?”

It’s allowing people you already have legitimate relationships with, help you by connecting you with someone else another degree removed.

Simple as that.

5 Actionable Steps to Implement the Amplification Approach Today

You know how the approach works now, but maybe you're struggling to see how you can make it work for you.

Try this:

  • #1: Do get really clear on what your ask is. “I’m looking for a new job.” isn’t going to be half as helpful as “I’m looking for a new role a part-time nanny for kids 3 and up.”

  • #2: Create a list of everyone in your current, already existing network. Think yes ex-coworkers but also friends, family, your favorite barista, the guy who cuts your hair etc.

  •  #3: Read HOW TO NETWORK (NO, YOU DON’T NEED TO PUT ON PANTS) for more on how to suss out your network.

  • #4: Connect with me on LinkedIn.  Add me to your network, like now!  

  • #5: Do not get stuck in your head that you’re going to be ‘bugging’ people. People love to help. And just because you feel like you’ve talked about your job search to death, most likely this is the first time they’re hearing about it.

I dare you to pick out even just one of the above steps and do it before you send one more resume out into the internet ether.

Case Study: Geri

My client Geri (hey girl!) was fed up with her current job and being so burnt out that all she did when she got home was to watch reality TV and veg. (Not that there’s anything wrong with that, she just didn’t want it to be every single day!) She needed a new role, STAT.

In our 1:1 sessions we discussed what alternatives would look like for her.

Since she felt she’d exhausted her ‘official’ network, she thought, she was stuck. "I’d reached out to everyone in my professional network… and crickets." So I suggested she look to her every day relationships. 

In her own words, "I had tried so many things to find a new job and when you mentioned leaning on my non-professional network it seemed pointless honestly.”

To her surprise, she had success right off the bat! 

Geri takes her best friend (4 legged of course) to the same dog park every morning and chats with the regulars while they sip coffee and watch the dogs play. She decided to give it a shot and let one of the regulars know that she was looking for a new role and what kind of work she was looking for. And asked if he knew anyone she should talk to.

Turns out his wife was head of HR at a company that was looking for someone just like Geri. A company based in Europe with shorter working hours, longer vacation allowances and a hybrid work model. 

Geri’s worked for that company for a bit now and has never been happier. 

Wrapping it Up

People like you and Geri  are precisely why I started coaching.

I knew there was a need for helping people find work that works for them..

If you’re looking for more resources to help you network, interview and plan your career, stop in here for all the goods.

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Yours in ‘get out there!’ goodness-


P.S. Don’t forget to get on my list if you want even more actionable career advice sent straight to your inbox.


EB Sanders | Career Coach for Creative Types

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