What Is a Job Search Strategy? A Guide to Maximizing Your Job Search Success

The goal of every job hunter is to get a job. Insert your favorite adjective as to what kind:  good, better, decent, fun, fulfilling, high paying, etc. 

However without a strategy, it can be hard to snag that role so you can bring in those dolla, dolla bills.  

Oftentimes, it just comes down to misguided strategies. So you just end up with spaghetti all over your job search walls. 

Maybe you’ve been applying to every job you can find and wondering why you’re not getting anywhere.

It's enough to make anyone feel frustrated.

But, you’re in luck! I’m going to share a system for creating a Job Search Strategy that will help you find the roles you actually want, have the right talks with the right people, and get that gig without spinning your wheels. 

I'll cover Job Search Strategy, how it works and how you can get started.

Keep reading for more details.

What Is a Job Search Strategy?

Isn’t ‘looking for a job’ the strategy?

Yes and no. A true strategy aims to find the roles you actually want, get in front of the right people, and get the job. 

Whether you want to work in retail, you’re gunning for a C-suite gig or you want to just find work that works for you, a job search strategy can help get you there.

The idea behind it is that you take control of your job search. You decide where to spend your energies and attention instead of just drifting along and allowing y our career to happen to you. 

Download now: 5 Tips to Combat Job Search Overwhelm

Why Is a Job Search Strategy Important?

Statistics show that 85% of jobs are found through networking. Due largely to the fact that only 20% 

This means that a) just because you don’t see a job opening for the role you want, doesn’t mean there isn’t one and/but b) you’ll need to network your way in there.


Most people don’t have know how to create a job search  strategy (or that they even should!).

By implementing a Job Search Strategy, you’ll be able to reduce job search stress and get better results from your efforts. 

This way, you’ll get that better job you’re really looking for.

Also, having a Job Search Strategy, gives you the ability to target your ideal job better and directly understand how to go about getting it.

That means you won’t have to spend hours and hours digging through useless job board listings.

Job Search Strategy Step by Step

If creating a Job Search Strategy sounds overwhelming, I get it. It’s not something we’re ever really taught how to do. How to create a resume or cover letter? Sure. But strategy? Rarely.

So I put together a step-by-step process below to break it down for you so you can easily get started with your own  Job Search Strategy.

Step #0. Clarity

This is the most important step that isn’t actually part of the strategy: you must have absolute clarity about exactly what role you’re looking to snag.

Although this may seem like a no-brainer, it’s actually fundamental to your strategy.

Plus, the more clarity you have on this, the better you’ll be in those coveted job interviews!

When I say ‘clarity’ I mean details, details, details. You want to know: title desired, what role responsibilities you want to do, how much you want to make, how you want to work (team, manager, independent contributor, etc), where you want to work (WFH, in office, hybrid), specific companies you want to work for, what benefits you want, what impact you want to make, what projects you want to work on… details.


The more clarity you have, the more laser focused and effective your strategy will be.  

Step #1. Research

The more  you can research, the easier it will be to create a job search strategy that works.

SInce you went HAM in Step 0 you have your list of research items. You want to research the companies you listed, the titles you listed, the role responsibilities etc. Anything you can research, do research.

Then armed with all that information, research who in your network is either involved with those things, connected to someone involved or who you think might be helpful in any way.

The best way to implement this is to scour your contacts list in your phone, or check  your ‘close friends’ lists on socials. Yes, and LinkedIn too.

Step #2. Rank

Looking through all those juicy connections, go ahead and rank them. Yup! From the person who you think would have the biggest impact to your favorite barista who you know knows everyone, you’re just not sure if they know the right someone. 

Put them all in a sheet, your notes app, a piece of paper - whatever works for you and rank them 1 to whatever. Then note how you think they can help and their contact info. Get it allllll organized.

To get started:

  • Think about all of your contacts

  • Identify their impact to your end goal

  • Monitor your list and add to it as necessary

STEP #3. Focus

Now focus your efforts. Start with the most important item of research and the contact who can make the biggest impact. Reach out, talk to them, make your needs known, make the ask. If you’re shy about feeling ‘salesy’ a)  make sure you’re communicating in a channel that is comfortable for both you and your contact and b) make the ask an easy one. 

For example: “I know you used to work there and I’m looking to join the marketing team at SuperFancy Company. Do you know anyone specific I should talk to?” or “I’m looking to become a CPA for American Girl Doll collectors, as a CPA for My Little Pony Collectors, do you have any insight?”

Tips for Job Search Strategy Success

Here are a few tips to help you maximize your results with a Job Search Strategy:

First, talk.

To achieve the best job search results, you have to continually have conversations with your connections.

When you create a cohesive job search strategy, you effectively have created a marketing plan for yourself.

To get that marketing plan to work, you have to tell people about it. You have to let people know what you need and keep on talking. Yes, you absolutely will get sick of hearing about it. Yes, you will think everyone else is sick of hearing about it. But the truth is for every 10x you talk up what you’re looking for, the person you’re talking to is hearing it for the first, maybe second time.


Next, track.

When you have a conversation with a contact, record what you discussed, when and what the next steps should be. You want to stay on top of any/all help someone is offering.

In other words, you want to keep data on your marketing efforts as you fill your prospects  funnel.

Not only will this keep you organized, it will also let you see the progress you’ve made which is super motivating.


Finally, take ownership. 

Most people want someone to show up on their virtual doorstep and hand them the perfect role easy, peasy because job searching is stressful and frustrating.. 

The truth of the matter is a) that’s not going to happen and b)if you want to get that better job and that bigger paycheck, you can’t overlook this crucial step. 

You have to take reins. The responsibility and job of getting that job is on you. But/and that also means you have more control over the entire process. Yes there are elements you absolutely can’t control but if you view this as a process you are driving, you’ll have exponentially better results.

To take ownership, you need:

  •  to stay on top of next steps from your conversations with your contacts

  • to make sure that everyone involved has the necessary materials from you, you want them to see

  • to stay organized and on top of all points of contact

And if just the idea of creating a Job Search Strategy makes you feel anxious, consider this: 

Only 20% of open roles are posted online, meaning there’s 80% of juicy job goodness that you won’t/con’t know about until you start talking to people!

That means if you don’t reach out to people, you’re denying the pleasure of letting them help you, and even of possibly working with you.

One thing you can do is just start. If you want to reach out to a good friend or trauma bonded ex-colleague first to sort of practice…do it. 

Already feeling overwhelmed? Grab my free guide for 5 Tips to Deal With Job Search Stress here.

Start Your Job Search Strategy Today

I hope this guide on the process of creating your own effective job search strategy has been helpful.  If you take anything away from this guide, remember that the more strategic and focused you are, the better results you’ll have. 

The best way to set up your strategy is to start with getting absolute clarity about exactly what role you’re looking to get out the process, that way you can set yourself up for an organized, streamlined job search. So, what do you say? Are you ready to give it a go?

Now that you know the ins and outs of  Job Search Strategy, it's time to head out on that job search with your plan for success!


Download your copy of 5 Tips to Combat Job Search Overwhelm here.


Yours in ‘ready, set, strategy!’ goodness-


P.S. Click here to download HOW TO DEAL WITH JOB SEARCH OVERWHELM now and get 5 actionable ways kiss overwhelm goodbye.


EB Sanders | Career Coach for Creative Types



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