How to find your perfect job at any age

how to find your perfect job

Unlocking Your True Potential Through Self-Confidence

Before you can figure out what work would work for you, you need to acknowledge exactly who you are.


Everyone has the potential to succeed in their career, but many find it difficult to reach their full potential due to a lack of self-confidence. We often doubt ourselves and our abilities, which can lead us to feel as if we’re not good enough or that we don’t have what it takes to succeed.

But being yourself is the key factor to success, and by understanding that, you can unlock your true potential and finally figure out what work is the right work for you.

Understanding who you are at your core is essential for you to find your perfect work-life. Having a deep and personal understanding of yourself helps you to understand which goals and tasks are most important to pursue.

It also allows you to have clarity of purpose, which is necessary for achieving meaningful progress in any setting. Knowing your own talents, abilities, values and passions can help guide you towards opportunities that will both challenge and inspire you.

Developing an appreciation for who you are and why it's important to your career will ensure that you reach true success.

how to find your perfect job at any age

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Unless you can speak to who you are at your core, you can't understand what work you want to do and how you would want to do it.

Not only that but knowing who you are will give you the confidence and assuredness to do anything!

Achieving career success requires hard work and dedication but more important is having self-confidence. It’s what unlocks your true potential.

Developing self-awareness helps us identify our strengths and weaknesses so that we can make informed decisions about how best to pursue our goals without compromising on our values or personal vision.

Ultimately, staying true to ourselves is key; by embracing who we are rather than comparing ourselves with others or trying too hard fit into a certain mold, we can open up more doors for future career successes!




Figure out exactly who you are.

Where to start? Here. Now.

  1. How would you describe yourself in 5 words?

  2. Who do you want to be? (in 2 sentences)

  3. What is the difference between the two?? - what's the disconnect?

    Get more confidence instantly!

The power of the self-confidence that comes from knowing who you are:

What do those self-assured, successful folx have that you don't? Confidence in who they are.

Having confidence in yourself is essential when striving for your definition of success. It gives you the courage to take risks, pursue your goals, and be resilient during difficult times.

If you don’t believe in yourself, you won’t be able to push through when things get tough or take advantage of opportunities that come your way. That’s why developing your self-confidence is so important—it allows you to unlock your true potential and reach higher levels of success than ever before.

The one question you need to be able to answer in order to erase self-doubt and move forward with confidence is "who am I?"

Unless you really know who you are you can't know what work will work for you. Your work can't align with what's important to you if you can't answer that question with confidence. You can't know what will be meaningful. You can't know how to go do a thing that's going to make you happy.

So,  be honest with yourself and dig deep.

  • Do you value social change or being of service?

  • Do you value your community or a life of traveling like a nomad?

  • Do you value creativity and/or problem solving?

  • Do you value financial reward? (That’s 100% ok btw!)

You have to ask yourself, what are the values that are most significant to you. Right now.  


Achieving success requires self-awareness—the ability to recognize and understand your strengths, weaknesses, and limitations.

By understanding these aspects of yourself, you will be better equipped to make decisions that are aligned with your values and goals.

Self-awareness also helps you identify areas where improvement is needed so that you can develop strategies for achieving success without compromising your values or personal vision.

Stay true to yourself

At the end of the day, staying true to yourself is the most important component of achieving career success.

Don’t compare yourself to others or try to fit into a certain mold; instead, focus on developing skills that suit your personality and ambitions.

It may take time for others around you to recognize your talents and abilities but if you take the time to figure it out —success will come easier than you ever thought possible… if you stay true to who you are!

Ready to dig deeper into just who you are, skyrocket that confidence and finally find work that works for you?

Join us in the Your Success Roadmap Series today!

Yours in ‘confidence rocks’ goodness-



EB Sanders | Career Coach for Creative Types

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Helping you figure out what work works for you.