3 Common Career Mistakes And How to Nix Them

I have a question for you. What if you do nothing?

Here's one really sobering thought: According to a recent Gallup poll only 49% of folx are happy in their careers. You deserve better.

YOU deserve this!

The reality is, many just never take the time to learn how to figure out what work works for them, they don't build their network, or grow their income.

Now, lemme warn you, this is a longer but VERY ACTIONABLE email that will have you thriving ASAP because today is special and I’m here to help you design your career and find work happiness, success and general goodness.

So, tell me, what are you doing right now, tomorrow, or this week, to find the career success and happiness you want? Are you on your way to reaching your goals or are you stuck even clarifying what those goals even are?

To help you define your version of success, set those goals & systems and create the life you want to live, I've got something BIG to share that will show you just how to make those moves that allow you to be more you - using my favorite insights.

Click here to learn more about the Your Success Roadmap Series

The truth is, without digging deep to learn who you are, what you value and how to find work that works for you, career dissatisfaction will just… linger.

Your unique wants, desires and values are what should be driving your career and are essential for career growth. You’ll DISCOVER how to lean into these aspects of yourself (without the trial and error I had to go through) in this series.

Does this sound like you?

● You sift through articles, blogs and self-help books only to be left feeling increasingly confused and hollering “WHERE DO I EVEN START?” as your dog looks on with concern.

● You spend extra hours on your current role trying to get something to “click”, instead of spending it with friends, family or your ‘to be read’ list (and are filled with guilt when it doesn't pan out).

● You purchase all the planners, notebooks and apps that are supposed to help you figure it all out, but they just collect dust (yes, digital dust counts).

● You’ve become less and less confident in the things you do after months (or years) of no ‘success’ in the ways you want.

I feel you!

When I first began to design my own career, I searched for months feeling like I was alone, left behind, and thinking that my career would never be “successful.”

It sucks to put "everything" into your career, and have it not feel worth it. So, you have a decision to make. A decision that can lead to the change in your life you've been searching for.

You absolutely can continue trying to figure it out for yourself, or you can come over and join us to start seeing success in as little as 30 days (yup, from the first workshop alone!)

Click here to instantly be enrolled in the Your Success Roadmap Series

While the Your Success Roadmap Series touches on TWELVE career topics, I wanted to offer up three important ones you can start tackling today!

Three Common Career Mistakes & How to Nix Them

1. Not taking the time to Find Your Foundation

One of the most common mistakes I see is when a client is unsatisfied with their career is that they haven’t taken the time to to step back an examine themselves first.

If you don’t know who you are and what you want then no job, work or career will ever feel right.

2. Focusing on goals and ignoring the systems?

What are your career goals? Do you have any? You should! Goals are integral to a successful career but you have to have systems in place to reach those goals.

I know you know how to set goals. I’m sure you do it at least once a year (when all that new-year/new-you inspo hits!) but what about the systems that will let you actually reach those goals? Yup, you need those.

When you're trying to make changes in your career you need both goals & systems. It's tempting to "DO ALL THE THINGS," but taking on too much is a recipe for overwhelm and one thing I learned the hard way is that, when you have too many goals, you end up reaching just about none of them. Yikes.

3. Not knowing how to craft your narrative.

In order for your career design to be successful you need to know how to talk about your career and yourself. You are your own best advocate and it’s the conversations you have and relationships your build with others that will help you reach the places you want to go. It all starts with crafting a career narrative.

Come join us as we take on these three issues and many more inside the Your Success Roadmap Series. The series is based on my private sessions with over 900 clients and focuses on proven results from my framework.

Get all the insider info in this comprehensive workshop series of my all-time most requested topics!

I hope this was helpful. Hit reply and let me know what other topics you’d like me to touch on in 2023!

Yours in ‘join us’ goodness!


P.S. If you're sure that defining success for yourself and creating a career you love is what you’ve been needing, then you should absolutely join us by enrolling in the Your Success Roadmap Series for a proven step-by-step strategy to super-charge your success.

EB Sanders

Career Coach for Creative Types

My Website & Free Stuff

Helping you figure out what work works for you.