How to Define Success For Yourself and Set New Goals

How to define success for yourself

It’s pretty safe to say that we all did a collective re-evaluation of what is truly important to us in the last 2 years.

For many of my clients their previous idea of ‘success’ flew out the window. Things that had been deemed URGENT and Necessary and Important… just aren’t anymore. 

If you know things have changed for you too but you’re not sure how to put it all together, take a step back, breathe and then write it down.

Don’t over think this. Check in with your gut. Ready? Go:

What are your Top 5, personal values as you understand them to be today?

Then your Top 3 priorities in life as they stand, today.

Now, use those conclusions to set your goals for this year and beyond.

Scrap everything that came before. Throw your to do list out the window. Start over. You can (and should) give yourself a fresh start.

Taking a look at your values & priorities, how will you re-define success for YOURSELF?

Success, for you, not based on societal pressures. Not based on what you were working towards before.

Not what you had thought you were ‘supposed’ to be doing - but what would success look like, for you, this year?

Success for me would be: ______________________________________

Write it down. Actually, write down what success looks like for you now.

Write down why it's different and why that difference is important. Write it down in your journal or your notes app or on a Post-It. However/wherever you will see it regularly.

Next, and this is a big one, this is one that so many of us have difficulty with: I am going to challenge you in this next year to ask for help.

I've always said that nobody can do it alone that there is no such thing as being self-made. Allow your support system to assist you in reaching your newly defined goals.


As we’ve seen recently, people are not just willing to help -they want to help. Let them.

Whether it's something small like an introduction or it's something big like help with the kids so that you can get some focused work done.

Ask for help. And then ask for help, again.

The vision you have of your future may have radically changed in the last year or so. The things you thought were important to you, the amount of work you felt you needed to do each day. What the end goal of that work even was.

It may have changed to the point where what you want now is a complete 180* of what you've been working for before. Honor that.

Take the time you need to get clear on what you truly, in your heart of hearts, want. Let yourself let go of all the goals of the past, knowing they no longer serve you.

If you’ve found that your ambitions seem smaller - that your actual needs seem “less” … then celebrate that and decide how you want to move forward understanding what your needs really are.

Whatever those needs, desires and goals are - make sure that they are in your best interest.

That they resonate with your core values and priorities and that they truly are your goals that will allow you to be living your most meaningful, happiest life. 

Here’s to your success. It can be whatever you want it to be.

Yours in successful goodness,



EB Sanders | Career Coach & Mentor for Creative Types

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