How to Be Inspired on the Job When You’re Just Tapped Out

How to Be Inspired on the Job When You’re Just Tapped Out

There are a million reasons why you may be tapped out at the inspiration pump.

For me, right at this moment, it’s because of the lingering effects of the pandemic (ahem recession). If you're like me, my clients, or literally anyone who has a job right now.... you're probably feeling totally sapped of inspo and just want to lay on the couch watching crappy daytime TV and eating microwave burritos like summer breaks of yore.

Look, it’s totally understandable. And while not instantly-fixable, at least work-aroundable. First off, acknowledge it’s actually, happening.

Now acknowledge that you’re a grown person and not in school so you don’t get 3 months off for vacay anymore (unless you’re like… European and we’re all jealous of you).

We alI know how difficult it can be to sit in front a monitor all day and in our ‘off time’ scroll through those super curated, ‘influencer’ insta feeds of Croatian beach vacations while you’re staring down the barrel of a wilted desk salad and yet another Zoom meeting that could have been am email. It just ain't helpin'!

Instead of trying to force yourself to do business as usual - as much as your job allows, cut yourself some slack and give yourself a little leeway.

Tap into my Top 7 “Lack of Inspo” tricks:

1. Take advantage of the spring weather and take 15 minute walk outside with your fave ice coffee and why not learn a little Spanish while you’re at? That way when you’re ready for that vacation to Spain that you’re saving up for - you’ll be ready!

2. Speaking of Spain… plan a vacation! Whether it’s a full 2 weeks in Europe or a day trip up the coast - just planning a trip has proven psychological benefits! None of us have been able to go anywhere for a while so this one may be extra inspo-y these days.

3. Knock out some of those mindless tasks you keep pushing to the bottom of your to do list cuz you just don’t wanna do ‘em. Put on a rad podcast like Why Won’t You Date Me and knock out a few of those tasks. When you’re ready to gear back up - all that stuff that’s been nagging at you will be done!

4. Find a new outlet. Your friends at work feeling just like you? Bookclub the trashiest beach read you can find. Have a lunch on a patio, take your salads to the park and dish on your favorite parts.

5. Break up your pre/post work gym routine. Find a new waterside route to jog instead. Go throw a frisbee with friends in the sun and relieve your stoner college days. Just shake it up (my fave? Zumba with the old ladies at the Chinatown Y!)

6. Pin up a $5 bill at your desk and treat yourself to a gelato at lunch on Friday (or fro yo, or a couple tacos - whatever your jam is - I mean hey… it could be jam. $5 buys a decent jar of jam right?)

7. So maybe you can't really slack off at all (boo) BUT you CAN jam (what is WITH the jam?!). I meant In the musical way. Slap on your headphones and crank a feel-good playlist.

Ahhhh that's better.


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Yours in jammy goodness,