The Only Strategy You Need to Achieve Career Clarity

The Only Strategy You Need to Achieve Career Clarity

I see you frantically typing, “How do I figure out a career I like, that pays?”.

Do you feel like everyone else has it figured out? Do they make it look like it should be a quick and easy thing to know? Ever wonder what their secret is?

Most likely, they’re using some variation of the strategy I’m about to share with you. I call it my “FIND YOUR THING FRAMEWORK.”

Luckily, I'm not one to gatekeep career figure-outing success!

So grab a caffeinated beverage of your choice and let's get into how you can achieve happy making career having by ASAP.

Clarify Your Career Goals

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of the strategy, we have to ensure we know where this career journey is going.

If you've struggled with defining success in your career in the past, it may have been because you weren’t asking yourself the right questions.

Here's how you can clarify your career goals. Ask yourself:

  • What am I looking to achieve in my life?

  • Why is this achievement so important to me? 

  • Is this achievement realistic with my current career (or my ideal career)?

Once you answer these questions, you will have a clear guiding light as to what direction you need to take your career so that you’re not simply drifting.

Freebie Time: Do you want to spend more time on creating a roadmap for Career Success? You're in luck! I created a free workbook just for you. Click here or grab it now so you can get started >>

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What is The Find Your Thing Framework?

If you've heard of Career Mapping before, you may think it’s only for c-level executives climbing a traditional corporate ladder.

Instead, it’s a tool,  a success path for anybody who wants to earn more money and be happy in their career. 

To put it simply, Find Your Thing Framework is a way of refocusing your mindset onto what is essential for your definition of success within your career.

The Only Strategy You Need: Find Your Thing Framework

It all starts with clarifying your career goals.

I may have tricked you because we already took care of clarify your career goals above. See how far along you already are? High-five!

Seriously, I love checking things off of my to-do list before I even get started, don’t you? So let’s keep the momentum going and see what else we can cross off that list.

Ready? Let’s dig in. 

FYTF Part #1: Be inquisitive with your foundation

Studies have shown that the better you understand yourself, the happier you are at work (and incidentally, the more money you make!)


When you can clearly state who you are and where you’re expertise lies, it will give you the fortitude to push through obstacles and imposter syndrome. Allowing you to truly focus on what it is you want to do and do it in your own way.

Another one of my favorite ways to instill career confidence is a Wins List. I have a brilliant post explaining what it’s all about in detail. Check it out here 

FYTF Part #2: Stop doubting whether you can do “it”

I know this is one of the simplest sounding yet difficult things in practice. 

Have you been struggling with believing that you can actually do something you want to so since you’ve started working?

Back in the early days of my last career, I was in a similar boat as you. I knew I needed to find a new career because teaching wasn’t fulfilling me (or I should say, my wallet) financially. But I had convinced myself that there wasn’t something else out there that would make me happy, and if it did, it would pay me crap.

It wasn’t until I worked with a career coach who challenged that belief and I began to question if that obstacle I had put in front of myself was true, that I was able to embark on a new career that I absolutely loved that was also financially rewarding.

You may not be able to stop the imposter feelings right away, and that’s okay. You can start implementing ways to boost your confidence and little by little, you’ll find you have use need for those voices in your head (which is great, because they’re wrong anyway!).

Here are 4 steps to help you get started with finding your thing. These are the exact steps I teach my client to use to get career clarity]:

  1. Pinpoint Your Patterns: Leverage your personal patterns to explore your career options. It’s time to play in the sandbox and let yourself consider all the opportunities out there 

  2. Revel In the Research: Refine your collection of new found opportunities

  3. Swing Into the Sphere: Get in front of the insiders who can help you get where you want to be

  4. Check Your Future: Evaluate your potential paths and make the BIG decisions

Oh and, if you want to fast-track that shiny career clarity, you can download my free workbook to help you get started. You’ll have a complete step-by-step roadmap that will help you set you up for career success (however you’ve decided to define it).

Download your FREE Set Yourself Up For Career Success workbook now >>


FYTF Part #3. Create your new narrative

When you first set out to do your career in a new way, you will likely experience some blank stares from those who have known you for what you’ve been doing in the past.

A surefire way to combat this is by creating a new professional persona and summary for yourself.

When you can speak clearly and concisely about who you want to be moving forward, you end up presenting yourself as that type of person, with all the expertise attached..

This means you’ll have more leverage when it comes time to interview for those new roles!

Regularly review and reflect. 

While I stand by this being the only strategy you need, you must regularly take time to answer our initial questions for yourself, or you may find yourself drifting again in short order.

For example, if you are feeling unfulfilled in your new path in a few years, it may be time to change it again.

I’ve actually changed careers twice don’t forget! After a while in my new post-teaching career, I realized that I wanted to pivot to focus on coaching. 

It actually took me a while to actually make the change because I still really liked my work. I liked my role, my company and my coworkers. There was just a little something nagging at me that said I needed to change things up. But when I reviewed and reflected, I knew the time was right to make another big change.



Have you decided you’re ready to stop drifting and get some career clarity? Amazing!

I love to help folx find work that works for them.

It can be frustrating because there’s not a lot of practical guidance out there. 

I’ve been a Career Coach for years and nothing makes me happier than sharing my tips and strategies with you so you can Career Clarity and find your thing.

Do you have any questions about the Find Your Thing Framework? Drop them over on Instagram where I provide invaluable info for absolutely FREE to my friendly career community!

While we're on the topic of Career Clarity, have you seen my series on HOW TO FIND A JOB YOU LOVE AND PAYS WELL: STEP BY STEP? It's perfect for people like you who want to do something they enjoy while living a balanced life.

Yours in you can stop drifting in your career goodness,



EB Sanders | Career Coach for Creative Types