5 Things to Do Before Applying for a Job

So, you think you're ready to apply for a job (okay, like 52 in this market).

Did you get that anxious feeling in the pit of your stomach when I said that? Don't worry. It's entirely natural to feel apprehensive when you’re in the depths of a job search.

However, before you start sending out resumes into the internet ether, you should make sure you've done the following things:

#1. Make Sure You Do your research

This one will seem like a no-brainer, but you'd be surprised how many people don't do the basic research beyond looking at the job description online.

Don't be lazy/frustrated/half-assed and make sure you do the important thing here, your freaking research, to avoid sinking all your time and hopes into an application that goes nowhere.


  • the organization (mission, values, founders etc)

  • the current employees

  • their products

  • their reputation

  • the leadership team

  • project/work etc

#2. Remember: Have All Your (Tailored) Materials At Hand

Would you call yourself a natural organizer? That's okay, few people are, but you can get a grip on the mountain of digital paperwork that’s required to efficiently and effectively apply for jobs.

Top tip: My favorite piece of organizational tech is a simple google doc checklist. 

Keep a list of everything you need to have on hand:

  • Resume

  • LinkedIn Profile

  • Portfolio

  • Email address & name of hiring manager

  • Cover letter

  • The research you’ve done on the company/organization

#3. Do Your Inner Work

Bear with me; this one will sound a little woo.

When you're getting ready for getting your resume out there, it can be easy to focus on the never-ending to-do list. 

However, putting all your focus outwards means you forget the inner work needed to keep you from burning out.  

By ensuring you're not leaving your mental health by the wayside, you know whether you're still moving in the right direction.

Here are some things you can do to ensure your inner self is calm and confident:

  • Breathe. I’m not kidding. Set time aside to breathe. 

  • Imagine your ideal future day. How could the job you’re applying for help you get there. 

  • Accept that much of this process is out of your control. It. Just. Is. 

#4. Make a List of all of the Reasons You’re Qualified 

Have you sorted out why you’re a good fit yet? 

My client Raya was in a situation where she was applying for things left, right and totally left of center. She then got a call out of the blue from the recruiter from one of the companies that wanted to have a quick phone screen with her.

She thought she'd be fine without this prep, but she quickly realized that not only did she not remember the particulars of this specific company, but she also couldn’t remember just why she felt she was a good candidate. All the applications were blurred together in her mind. 

Obviously she did not do well and they didn’t invite her for an interview. 

Thankfully, it's my job to ensure you don't have something like this happen to you. (Don't worry, Raya is all good and thriving in her tech marketing career now!)

For each role you apply for keep a note of the job description (ideally download or screenshot it since they tend to bet taken down) and a short list of 3-5 bullet points as to why you’re qualified for that very specific role.

#5. Talk to Your Network

Sometimes when we're feeling nervous about a new part of our life, we clam up and avoid talking about it in case we are “bothering” the people in our life with stuff they don’t care about.

That's understandable, but you may miss out on discovering that your friend Andie has been in a similar situation before and comes with a wealth of tips and tricks and even a contact at a job you want. 

Going into applying for jobs on your own turns the potential molehill into your own Everest. 

Let other people help you. I promise you they’re not as annoyed/bored/frustrated/tired of hearing about your job search as you are. 

Tip: Got no one to talk to because of … reasons? Thankfully I'm available for guidance via my newsletter or over on Instagram. I'd be thrilled to be your loudest cheerleader and advisor!

That’s a Wrap!

Thank you for trusting me to take you through my checklist of things to do before applying for a job.

I hope you feel at least a little better now that you know what things you need to get done. If you still need help, know that I'm always one email or Instagram away.

I’ve made it my passion to help people find work that works for them.

My decade +  in this space has given me experience with absolutely every type of job market. The current one included. I’m here to help!

BONUS: Get your free Job Search Tracker

Don’t apply to another job without making a copy of this FREE job search tracker to help you keep all your info (and sanity) together. 

Just make a copy to keep it handy!


Yours in get that gig goodness,



EB Sanders | Career Coach for Creative Types



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