8 Steps to Super-Charge Your Career Today

If you’re looking to course-correct your career, find a new job or finally figure out what it is you even want to do, you need to tackle the task in an organized way instead of just hoping it all works itself out.

But, where do you even start? Here, that’s where. I present to you:

8 ideas for how you could super-charge your career, today.

Want to skip these steps and get an easy way to create a career you actually love? Download the free Set Yourself Up For Career Success workbook.


#1 Figure out why you’re UNSATISFIED & what it is you really want.

Discover your Step Zero by defining why you are currently unsatisfied with your work, where you are now and where you you want to be.

According to a recent Gallup poll only 49% of folx are happy in their careers.

You deserve better.


Get to the essence of you - because you have to know who you are to know what you want to do.

Clarify who you are and what your Why is so that you can do things your way and find work that truly works for you.

#3 Decide what you want your life to feel like and create your work life around it (instead of trying to squeeze it in).

You need to have an understanding of what balance really is and what you want it to look like.

Because if you're burnt out and not enjoying your life, your career is going to take a pretty big hit - not to mention your mental & physical health!

#4 Address your inner critic.

You need to understand what imposter 'syndrome' and the 'inner critic' are talkin’ about so you can deal with them and move forward.

We ALL feel self-doubt at some time, but in order to truly create a career that makes you happy you need to get off that negative self-talk train my friend!

#5 Learn how to set goals and create the SYSTEMS needed to reach them.

To create the change you want, you need to learn how to create systems that actually lead to you reaching the goals you set - because goals aren't enough. You need a plan and a system.

Goals are great but they need that system based help so we are going to take a look at what systems you need and how to put them into practice.


Your resume, profile and portfolio are your ‘sales materials’ and they need to stand out! Make sure your resume resonates with recruiters and hiring managers.

Tailor your resume to the work the future you wants to do, don’t just use it as a repository of all the things you’ve (begrudgingly) done in the past.

Save some time and learn more about Get The Gig and how to create that winning cover letter plus how you can get access to more resources like this in the resource library.

#7 Create a summary and COVER LETTER that makes humans want to hire you, (as a fellow human).

Can you use AI to bang out a cover letter? Sure, but it won't do half as effective a job as actual human thinking will.

Take the extra 10 minutes, create your own narrative that works. You don’t want to work like a robot so why have one try to be you?

#8 LEarn how to navigate the job offer (AKA the cash money)

The gender pay gap is real. So be prepared to ask for what you want.

We've tried playing by their rules. We still lost. We used to think it was all about negotiation - but what we didn't realize was the game was rigged from the get go.

In order to get that money you need to determine the compensation you deserve, research your salary and calculate your benefits and then get prepared to NOT negotiate.

Yup. To get the money, you have to be willing to give up some money.

Imagine how it would feel to have a career that works for you and actually being happy

  • Imagine how it would feel to enjoy what you do and feel more confident at work.

  • Imagine how it would feel to have more money in the bank and less stress.

  • Imagine how it would feel having more motivation to do the things that matter most.

  • Imagine how it would feel to feel happy and at excited about your work.

To get started on the path to feeling more balanced, confident and in control today, head over to my Resource Library for all the goods!

What Next?

Get 5 more free resources for help super-charging your career.

If you’re looking for more inspiration, check out this blog post and download the companion workbook for free!

Find a career that makes you happy

Yours in super charge, super size, super customize, super all the things your career goodness-



EB Sanders | Career Coach for Creative Types


career coach for designers