The Perfect Strategy for Job Seekers

The Perfect Strategy for Job Seekers

Knowing how to effectively tackle a job search isn’t a no brainer. 

We get stuck wondering things like, “Where do I even look?” or “Should I just apply to ALL THE THINGS?”

When you’re unsure what to do, it’s hard to move forward. 

The good news is, you can easily bring order to the chaos by planning your job search with intentionality.

In this post, I’ll define what I mean by ‘job search strategy’ and provide 3 sure-fire tips to create the best strategy for you. I hope that this will give you a roadmap so you can get started with an effective job search and get that job you’ve been crossing your fingers about!

What is the perfect strategy for your job search?

The perfect job search strategy is one that is personal and intentional.

In other words:

You have to start with your ideal job in mind and reverse engineer your strategy. This is where you get focused and stop wasting your time, energy and patience.

The added benefit is that you get to create your own roadmap (meaning there’s no ‘secret sauce’ out there that someone has that you don’t!)


Strategy Factor #1 - Your Ideal Job

Your Ideal Job is one that meets not only your wants and needs, but also your interests. No two people will have the same answer for this. It’s extremely personal.

Knowing what your Ideal Job is, is a crucial component because if you don’t have a clear idea of what you actually want, your job search will be totally unfocused.A strong understanding of what you are actually searching for is vital for an effective job search.

Many people who get started on a job search start out energized but then get stuck because they don’t know where to start, they don’t realize there’s a formula to it, and they are using the wrong techniques (if any at all). 

And then they wind up wasting a lot of time, getting frustrated and panicking that they’ll be stuck in their unfulfilling job forever.

The key to actually scoring the job you want is to know. what. it. is. Sounds simple, but when I ask frustrated job seekers what they’re looking for I tend to get a 5 minute answer about allll the things they could do. Rarely a succinct answer about what they want to do.

To get started here, write out what your Ideal Job would be. Include title, salary, role responsibilities, hours worked - anything that’s relevant.

Strategy Factor #2 - Knowing Where This Role Exists

Understanding What you want to do needs to be followed by Where do you want to do it? What types of companies have that role? Does it mean you’re starting your own business? Is there an ideal organization you want to work for?

If you’ve spent hours applying for every job posting that you think might be close but something still feels off – like you’re not getting traction this is likely the piece that’s missing. 

Without this, you can apply to 200 jobs and still not get the interview. Does this mean you should give up, take your ball and go home? Absolutely not.

What can you do?

A really useful technique for creating your list of companies/orgs is to research folx already doing the role to see where they work and also to see who their competitors are.

If you have a list of companies you’re interested in, hit Google to find their competitors, vendors, like companies etc.

Exhaust this list. Blow it out to as many brands, companies, organizations etc you’d be interested in working with then rank them by interest level.

Strategy Factor #3 - Networking, networking, networking

Networking is the fundamental tool for job search success. I know, I know. You don’t love networking. It freaks you out. But it’s absolutely necessary. #sorrynotsorry

Here’s where you’ll really start to put your job search strategy to work.

Of course, this will take some time and requires that you actually reach out to people, but consider that 80% of jobs are never posted, so you need to talk to folx to find the hidden treasure.

The simple process is:

  •  know your Ideal Job

  •  know where the role exists

  •  find someone who either currently is connected to the organization you’re interested in 

  •  or find someone who can get you connected to someone on the inside

  • ask them for a referral, interview, conversation or connection

Once you’re done,  you’ll be well on your way to having the right conversation with the right person. 

Putting it All Together for Your Perfect Job Search Strategy

There you have it! The 3 components of your perfect job search strategy. 

It may sound like a lot, but like most things practice makes perfect. Just focus on being focused. This will help you concentrate your efforts and have a clear plan of action.

You might be a little daunted, but just remember to:

1. Know what you want

2. Know where to find it

3. Talk to the right people about it

Before you know it you’ll be trying to decide what to wear on your first day (even if it means the same ratty sweatpants but a nice new top. 

You really can do this if you take a moment to step back and focus your efforts and attention on your strategy!


If you need more help getting started with a stellar job search strategy, my workbook will help you with a step by step plan to help you deal with the overwhelm and move forward in your job search so you can get that job!

Yours in ‘you really can do this’ goodness-


P.S. Click here to download HOW TO DEAL WITH JOB SEARCH OVERWHELM now.


EB Sanders | Career Coach for Creative Types

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