Mastering the Art of Job Search: Your Path to Fulfilling and Well-Paying Work

This is post 5 in an ongoing series all about how to find your ideal work. To start at the beginning, head here and to get notified when the next in the series is available add your info below:


The journey to finding a job you love that also offers financial stability is a rewarding one, but it requires a strategic and proactive approach to job searching.

The old ways of job searching have been turbo-charged and flipped on their heads. Did you know that only 20% of job listings are ever posted online?! And it dips even lower in recession-type markets!

I hate to be the reminder of cliche news, but it really is who you know in this instance. But, of course, not 100% of the time. There are actually four spaces you should be focusing your efforts on:

Leverage Your Network:

  1. Use Your Network: Don’t discount the informal network you already have. Friends, ex-coworkers, family members, your favorite barista.

  2. Expand Your Network: Building and expanding your network is a valuable long-term investment in your career. Connect with colleagues, mentors, alumni, and industry professionals. Engage in meaningful conversations, share industry insights, and contribute to discussions.

  3. Informational Interviews: Reach out to professionals within your network or industry for informational interviews. These conversations can provide valuable insights into potential job opportunities, industry trends, and company cultures.

  4. Seek Referrals: Don't hesitate to ask your network for referrals when you come across job openings of interest. Employee referrals carry weight in the hiring process.

Utilize Job Search Engines:

  1. Diversify Your Platforms: While well-known job search engines like Indeed, LinkedIn, and Glassdoor are excellent starting points, consider using a variety of platforms to cast a wider net. Industry-specific job boards and niche websites can provide unique opportunities that align more closely with your career goals.

  2. Advanced Search Filters: Make the most of advanced search filters offered by job search engines. These filters allow you to narrow down your search by factors such as location, job type, salary range, and company size, helping you find positions that align with your preferences.

  3. Set Up Job Alerts: Many job search platforms allow you to set up job alerts based on your criteria. This feature can save you time by sending notifications when relevant job openings are posted.

  4. Research Company Profiles: When you find a job listing that interests you, take the time to research the company's profile and culture on the platform. This can help you tailor your application and demonstrate genuine interest during the interview process.

Conferences, Career Fairs & Networking Events:

  1. Research and Prepare: Before attending a career fair, research the companies that will be present and the roles they're looking to fill. Prepare questions and elevator pitches that demonstrate your enthusiasm and qualifications.

  2. Attend Networking Events: Actively participate in industry-related networking events, both online and in-person. These events can help you discover hidden job opportunities and connect with hiring managers and decision-makers.

  3. Industry Events: Attend industry-specific events or conferences where representatives from your target companies may be present. Face-to-face interactions can significantly enhance the impact of your outreach efforts.

  4. Engage Actively: Approach attendees with confidence, engage in meaningful conversations, and express your genuine interest in their organization. Collect business cards and contact information for follow-up.

  5. Follow-Up: After any event, promptly follow up with the contacts you made. Send personalized thank-you emails expressing your gratitude for their time and reiterating your interest in the opportunities discussed.

Embrace Cold Outreach:

  1. Identify Target Companies: Make a short-list of companies you would like to work for, even if they don't have posted job openings. Research these companies thoroughly to understand their values, missions, and recent developments.

  2. Contact the Right Person: Reach out directly to the hiring manager or department head rather than sending a generic inquiry to HR. Address your communication to the most relevant individual.

  3. Utilize social media. Interact with what these folx are posting (on their professional accounts). DMs are now an acceptable way of reaching out. Interact with the organizations accounts and add your two cents.

  4. Express Your Value: In your outreach, clearly articulate the value you can bring to the company. Explain how your skills, experiences, and passion align with their goals and objectives.

  5. Persistence and Patience: Cold outreach may not yield immediate results, but persistence can pay off. Continue to build relationships with individuals at your target companies and stay informed about potential opportunities.

Remember that the job search process can be challenging, but with perseverance, adaptability and a positive mindset, you can uncover a fulfilling and well-paying ideal job.

Yours in Let the Search Begin! goodness,


P.S. Stay tuned for the next post in this series where we're going to be looking at how to rock the interview process and increase your chances of landing your ideal job.

EB Sanders | Career Coach & Mentor

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