What Does it Take to Find a New Job So You Can be Happy in Your Work ?

Are you ready to find a new job so you can actually be happy in your work?

You may have already read 10 books on the topic, trawled through the depths of the internet looking for advice and then asked all your “successful” friends for help, but still feel stuck in a job that isn’t making you happy. 

I hope to I can add some new ideas on what it takes to finally break out of that rut, find a new role and actually be happy in your work.

Many people believe that you have to “find your passion” to be happy at work, but that idea may be holding you back.

If you're struggling with finding a role that you’re good at and that you enjoy, this is the place for you.

Ready to dive into a behind-the-scenes look at what goes into finding a new job so you can be happy at work?



If you've been finding yourself trying to fit into other people’s definition of happiness or success, you may want to challenge that line of thinking.

Ask yourself, why do I think that other people have it figured out and who benefits from that idea?

You need to take a step back and define what would actually make you happy.

Hint: I have another post on finding a job that makes you happy over here. 

My Steps for Finding a Job That Makes You Happy

I am happy to say that I have achieved finding my own role that I love, and I got there (and so have my clients) by following these steps:

  • One: Get real clear on what would make you happy. Write it out. Get specific.

  • Two: Research roles that fulfill your happiness parameters.

  • Three: Network. Network. Network

Never let people who aren't you give you unsolicited advice about what would make work work for you and make you happy. 

Again, Start By Asking Yourself 2 things:

  1. What would make me happy?

  2. Why would that make you happy?

Then and only then should you look to see What roles would fulfill your happiness needs?

Your great-grandma means well when she says, you should be a lawyer because you’re so argumentative, but it's really just another thing that's holding you back.

Instead, look internally for guidance.

When you're running out of steam digging deep into what it is you actually want, this quote may spur you on: 

"You can only become truly accomplished at something you love. Don't make money your goal. Instead, pursue the things you love doing and then do them so well that people can't take their eyes off of you." - Maya Angelou

Once you’ve determined what role will fulfill you it’s time to find it! Applying into the online blackhole is definitely not the way to go especially if you are looking to change careers. It’s not as complicated as you may think. You really only need one skill.

You need to have one essential trait for success- the ability to network.

Now, just because you currently don't have a massive professional network, doesn't mean you can't find the role you’re coveting.

This does mean you need to put more work in with th network you do have before you can start booking those interviews, but I know you can do it!  

Let's be specific in planning how you’ll use your existing network to get that gig:

  • Create a list of 10 people you already know who know lots of people (your hairdresser totally counts!)

  • Reach out to those folx and ask “Hey I’m looking for a XYZ role in ABC field, do you know anyone I should talk to?”

  • Take action. Accept help, contacts, connections. All of it!

Because I know how important networking is to career success, I put together this free (really free!) workshop for you. Use it to outline what you want and go after your happy making career!

Click here to download the Career Change Starter Kit

Wrapping it up! 

Really, at its core what it takes to find that new job is to know what it needs to look for you and then talk to people about it. 

I know you’re thinking “easier said than done” but break it down into the 3 steps and I guarantee you’ll have better results than just applying to anything and everything you see in hopes of “figuring it out”.

Remember, you can download my workshop (with complete workbook) for free to help you find that job right here.

Click here to download Career Change Starter Kit >>

I hope this post has been helpful!

Any questions? Email me at ebs@ebsanders.com - I answer them all!

Yours in go get that gig! Goodness-



EB Sanders | Career Coach for Creative Types



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